
The Notorious A.B.C. – Board Book

Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $9.59.

SKU: YHF142348 Category:


Celebrating the history, spirit, and nostalgia of the 80s and 90s rap and hip-hop

With over 100 rap-themed or basic wordscommon words and rap vocabulary. The Notorious ABC is the perfect way to help beginning readers and rappers learn their ABCs.

Basic words such as apple, dog, and socks, are illustrated alongside musical vocabulary that is sure to enthrall every young rappersuch as turntable, drum machine, and microphone.

The illustrations celebrate the bright and iconic style of classic 80s and 90s rap culture. The book will immerse children in the spirit of the music while reminding parents of the rich heritage of this great musical genre.

Every page honors a different hip-hop artistfrom Run DMC to Salt n’ Pepa and The Sugarhill Gang.

  • Board book
  • 24 pages
  • 4.75 x 5.75 inches

AGE: 0 and up


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