
Stars Before Bedtime: A Mindful Fall Asleep Book

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.99.

SKU: ETU788692 Category:


Create a calm bedtime ritual with this debut book in the Before Bedtime series,Stars Before Bedtime a soothing journey through the glittering constellations of the night sky woven with tried-and-true sleep exercises from the best-selling author and clinical psychologist Dr. Jessamy Hibberd.

In this fast-paced world, relaxing and preparing for sleep can be difficult for children. This beautiful, fact-filled book helps ease bedtime struggles withmindfulness,muscle relaxation,gentle yoga poses,visualization, and other exercises proven to help kidsrelease stress and anxiety,clear their minds,get ready for bed, andfall asleep fasterwhile alsoboostinghappinessandimproving overall health.

Withgentle, calming artworkfrom the wonderfully talented Hannah Tolson and simple,melodic text, childrenexplore the skys constellations and the mythical stories behind themas they get their minds and bodies ready for bed. Each exercise, called out by a moon symbol, is simple and easy to do.

Ages 3 and up.


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