
Rubiks Race: Ace Edition

Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $19.99.

SKU: ETU790069 Category:


This game of speed, strategy, and intuition combines some Rubiks Cube attributes and a slide puzzle for an exciting, two-player race! To play the game, each player must quickly arrange the pieces on their own slide puzzle boards to match the pattern of the color cube shaker. Once a player has completed the pattern, they should pull the divider wall down over their own board to reveal their pattern. The first player to do this is the winner! Since the game uses a shaker rather than challenge cards, there is an unlimited number of patterns to create! If the players want a bit of variety, they may also try to match a randomly scrambled Rubiks Cube, not included. When not in use, the one-piece game board turns into its own case for easy storage.

1-2 players.

Ages 7 and up.


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