
Ring Toss Wooden Slide Accessory

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $38.40.

SKU: YEC786480 Category:


NOTE:This setincludes theRing Toss Accessory only and is offered as a separate add-on to the Sawdust & Rainbows Wooden Slide(sold separately).

Add more versatilityto yourWooden Slideto create even more fun play with your child’s Triangle Climbing FrameorClimbing ArchfromSawdust and Rainbows.

For some fun indoor toss practice, add theRainbow Ring Tossto your slide!Simply attach each of the six rainbow-colored pegsto the attachment points on the underside of your slide. A screwdriver is the only tool needed.

Try to land each of the threenatural rings onto the pegs. A great toy for developing a child’s eye-hand coordination!

Note that with this accessory, the pegs must be removed from the attachment points before flipping over to use the slide.


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