Did you know that the Argentinosaurus weighed about as much as 12 elephants and grew as tall as a five-story building? Or that T. rex could crush a car in a single bite? Or that some dinosaur eggs were as big as footballs? This exciting picture book is full of these and many more fascinating fact nuggets.
Usingstriking visual comparisons,quiz questions,andbite-sized facts, this book teacheschildren all about theirfavorite prehistoric creatures.
Turn the pages and compare the deadliest dinosaurs with todays top predators, discover which teeny dinos size up with our pets, and find out just how much Diplodocus ate. Youll discover how long Therizinosaurus’ claws were (as long as you!), and just how fast Apatosaurus could whip its tail (faster than the speed of sound!).
Ages 5 and up.
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