
Advent and Christmas Stories

Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $22.40.

SKU: YEC786195 Category:


Advent and Christmas Storiesis an illustrated collection of over 50 stories, verses and songs to celebrate the Christmas season with children.

Collected by Estelle Bryer and Janni Nicol, this treasury of stories and verses from the Christian tradition span from Advent through the 12 Days of Christmas, ending with the flight into Egypt.

Their stories are simple yet profound, drawing on the authors’ lifelong experiences as Waldorf kindergarten teachers, puppeteers, and mothers.

Accompanied by beautiful, soft pencil illustrations by Marije Rowling.

These stories are sure to delight young children while inviting them to appreciate the deeper meaning of Christmas.

Watch the below video to hearour thoughts on celebrating Advent with children!

Paperback,128 pages.

About the Authors:

Estelle Bryeris a founding teacher of the Waldorf school movement in South Africa. She is a eurythmist and puppeteer.

Janni Nicolbecame a Steiner teacher in the UK in 1969. After teaching kindergarten for many years, she now lectures on early childhood education and puppetry, and publishes widely on the subject of Waldorf education.


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