
Kids Chalkboard and Eraser Set

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $12.80.

SKU: YEC785404 Category:


Lap chalkboardsare a smaller version of a normal chalkboard and are an eco-friendly alternative for practicing writing and math skills without wasting paper!

Our Kidschalkboard and Eraser Setis a wonderful learning tool, whether it’s being used for homeschool, practicing math problems or creating blackboard drawings.

Its classic look also makes it fun for playing school!

Please note – Eraser colors and pattern may vary from image

How to “Prime” your new chalkboard before use:

  • Lay a stickofwhite chalkon its side and cover your entire board liberally with chalk. This will fill in all the pores of the surface.
  • Rub it in with a dry clothand then erase.
  • Repeat.

Ifyou dont prime your chalkboard first, your board may resist the chalk and your first drawing is likelyto be visiblepermanently.

  • SIZE : 10″ x 16″ with rounded corners
  • INCLUDES : Lap chalkboard,felt eraser
  • MATERIAL :Formaldehyde-free masonite board with lead-free chalkboard paint.
  • ORIGIN : Chalkboard made in USA; Eraser made in China


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