
Labyrinth Classic Wooden Balance Board

Original price was: $115.00.Current price is: $57.50.

SKU: YEC786152 Category:


ThisLabyrinth Wooden Balance Boardis fun and challenging for older children who have graduated from our popular Waldorf Rocker Board. Adults love it, too! This board can hold children and adults up to 275lbs

While kids attempt to maneuver up to three balls (included) along the grooved path of thelabyrinth, they will be so engaged that they won’t be aware of the balance, coordination, strength, and focus they are developing at the same time!

With multiple levels of difficulty, the easiest game is to start with one wooden marble and move it from the center of the labyrinth to the outside ring.

Mastered that? Try using two balls; and then all three.

Think you’re a pro? Now try moving up to three balls from the outside in. Race against the clock, or time yourself against other players for the ultimate challenge!

Strong and sturdy, this high qualitybalance board is made in the USA and built to last a lifetime.


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